2020 Blue Christmas

Adaptation of Elvis Presley’s signature Christmas song, written by Billy Hayes and Jay W. Johnson

Lyrics adapted from original for Studio Videnda by Don Watenpaugh. Sung originally by Richie Del Cristo with accompaniment. Video produced and directed by Jenna Del Cristo.


We'll have a blue Christmas without you
We'll be so blue just drinking without you
Vaccinations for COVID aren’t yet cross the country
So that if you came here, you could bring or get cooties

But when those blue, blue states came calling
To leave those Trump memories befalling
We'll start doing all right
Out the tunnel there’s light
So let’s have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

Fruitcakes don’t think it’s right
Spoils their Christmas so white
But they'll have a blue, blue, blue, blue Christmas

So next year if it’s right
for folks to catch a flight
Then we'll have a blue, blue, with you Christmas

Thank you, thank you very much