Christ is Risen, Whattabout U?

Lyrics to the melody of the hymn “Jesus Christ is Risen Today”. 

Inspired by daughter and son-in-law’s flippant attitude towards protective measures from the COVID-19 pandemic while in church, Easter, 2020.

The first two stanzas are their perspective, and the final one Mom’s. 


Christ is Risen and all that stuff.
Social distance bunch of fluff
So you love us what’s it to-oo ya
Just one mike for three people
Gonna spray our spit all over ya
Gonna sing until we shake the steeple
If you do not like it well then screw ya.

One of us went to the store before
Got some Charmin halleluiah!
Got more than we bargained for
Fever cough pneumonia
Now I’m on a ventilator
Dammit can’t sing halleluiah
Now I’m dead so see ya later
I’m so glad that I knew ya. 

This is your Mom.  Your Dad is pissed off
What he’d like to do to ya
At health guidance you did scoff
COVID-19 put an end to ya
And your end we can’t attend
Gravedigger’s gonna say goodbye to ya.
This stupid song is at an end