Constant Variables
Some variables shouldn’t vary.
A small and exclusive private school sought artistic depictions of their operational statistics: educational assets, student demographics, performance and achievements, number and credentials of faculty, growth, etc. This school expects students to seek excellence in all schoolwork and other endeavors, and requires absolute honesty and integrity. For that school, these “variables” were in fact constants: excellent work and personal integrity were part of their charter, and those standards would never change.
We created this videnda to forcefully illustrate these expectations. The school’s logo is centered in the version of the work we created for them.
What are your personal and / or institutional “constant variables”? How will your logo or image look centered in such a presentation?
Integrity in and Beyond Contemporary Higher Education: What Does it Mean to University Students? SSH Wong, SWH Lim, KM Quinlan. Front Psychol. 7: 1094, 2016.