Pandemic response: Healthcare or Economy? Choosing is Losing.

An Ekphrasis

Healthcare Economy Interdependence.jpeg

Pandemic response:  Healthcare or Economy?  Choosing is Losing.

What’s best for each is best for both.  

In the United States, talking heads continue to pit healthcare against the economy in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Picture a boxing or MMA ring.  The crisply-suited, deep-voiced announcer bellows into the mike:  

“Ladieeees and Gentlemen, welcome to the COVID-19 maaaaain event!  

In the Blue Corner, we have Doctor Dale ‘Control the virus’ Dammitall,     AANND 

in the Red Corner, we have Governor Gus ‘Reopen now’ Orelse.  


The truth is, this shouldn’t be a fight.  We can reopen the economy and quash the pandemic at the same time.  In fact, this is the fast lane out of the pandemic!  

We now know how, and we know it’s possible, because other countries have done it.  Our economic strength depends on a healthy society and workforce.  Pretending healthcare must be prioritized over the economy or vice versa is a false choice that leads nowhere.  Governor Gus and Dr. Dale are on the same team!  Both lose if they fight each other.  

About this work

It is an ekphrasis, which combines literary and visual art.  The literary component is a tanka expressing the take-home message of the work.  Tanka (“short song”) is a Japanese predecessor to haiku, yet slightly longer at 5 lines, and with syllables per line of 5 - 7 - 5 - 7 - 7.  

The visual data-driven aspect of this piece is the integrated symbology of the dollar sign and the Rod of Asclepius.  The dollar sign of course represents the US economy, and the A-Rod (not that other A-Rod!) signifies healthcare and medicine.  Combining Asclepius’ rod and the dollar sign into a single glyph depicts how a healthy economy depends on a healthy populace, and vice versa.  Note that the Rod of Asclepius, and not a caduceus, is the correct symbol for medicine.  

The healthcare sector comprises ~17% of the United States economy (a much greater proportion than any other country!).  Therefore, the snake around the Rod comprises ~17% of the surface area of the entire unified symbol.  

What can you do?

It’s amazingly easy and simple, and we’ve all heard it now a thousand times:  protect yourself and others by wearing masks, washing / sterilizing hands, and keeping distant from each other.  Get vaccinated STAT.  Help others do all the above. 
Give the virus no place to live and no where to go.  

What can you do about this artwork?  Remember tanka means “short song”?  We need some music!  Please write a melody for the words, then sing it on YouTube or wherever, and send us the link.  Looking forward to hearing your creation!