Elegiac ode entitled 

Ed’s Your Tales:

Remembrances of Edgar A. Lucas, PhD, D, ABSM


This work honors one of Don’s several beloved mentors, Ed Lucas, by recalling selected events and impressions, including personal stories told from Don’s perspective.  Recollection and sharing of these keeps Ed “alive” in the minds of those who knew him, hence the title:  Ed is now your tales about him.  

Wordplay with the classic coin toss call “heads or tails” was intentional.  We all choose who among the dead to remember, what to recall about them, and how much, by how much we talk and write about them and how widely we spread that information.  Consider Jesus of Nazareth or Josephine V. Bussfenster.  Heads or tails?  

The message is this:  the dead remain with the living only to the extent that their community of survivors nurture and perpetuate collective memories of decedents.  

Ed’s Your Tales was recited and appreciated at Dr. Ed Lucas’ celebration of life on Saturday 10 September 2022 at his former church in south Fort Worth.


Titles of Dr. Lucas’ 33 peer-reviewed publications: 


