
Lyrics written for Dolly Parton’s melody to Jolene

January 2021

Vocal and Percussion by Jenna Del Cristo - Guitar by Richard Del Cristo, Jr. - Recording and mastering by Del Cristo Music - Lyrics by Don Watenpaugh

Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine
To get you we must come up with a plan
Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine
We gotta get you any way we can.

This COVID thing is quite a scare
And you’re our ticket outta there.
You block the COVID virus spike protein.

Without that it can’t pierce our cells
The POS then goes to hell
But we gotta get you in our arms vaccine.

Astra Pfizer Zeneca
Novartis or Moderna
We don’t care where we get you from vaccine.

Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine
To get you we must come up with a plan
Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine
We gotta get you any way we can.

We’ve googled for a waiting list,
We’ve been on hold until we’re pissed
To schedule for our two shots of vaccine.  

Small town, city, county state
Or federal resource we can’t wait
If we don’t get shot soon we’ll make a scene.  

But this virus is never through
It mutates like fresh doggy doo
So we may have to get a new vaccine.  

Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine
To get you we must come up with a plan
Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine
We gotta get you any way we can.
Vaccine, Vaccine

Dolly did a rewrite of the chorus too! See her version here: