
Divider-in-Chief 1.jpg

This work depicts some of the divisions and conflicts Donald Trump created or fomented from 2016 to 2020.  Conflicts are shown as symbols of the “trumped-up” opponents mirrored on the left vs. right side.  (Note:  the right and left sides are not politically right and left.)  The discordant red line down the middle represents the intensity of these conflicts. 

In your mind’s eye, fold the work in half down the midline.  Opposing forces are now forced together. 

Examples of pre-existing conflicts worsened by Mr. Trump’s statements, actions, inactions, and policies include:

  • familial political disagreements,

  • Republicans vs. Democrats,

  • white supremacy vs. non-white Americans,

  • conflicts based on sexual identity,

  • religious conflicts,

  • alternative vs. actual truth,

  • science vs. pseudoscience,

  • Turkish-Kurdish conflict,

  • Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and

  • the US population vs. a mindless microorganism.   

Examples of new conflicts directly attributable to Mr. Trump include: 

  • the US vs. NATO and EU allies,

  • promotion of Russian propaganda in conflict with US intelligence findings,

  • the Republican party vs. itself,

  • law enforcement vs. peaceful protests,

  • states pitted against each other for pandemic response resources,

  • the false conflict between economic recovery and pandemic control (recovery depends upon pandemic control), and

  • the US healthcare system vs. an anti-scientific and ineffective pandemic response. 

Some of Mr. Trump’s goals may have been worthwhile, such as improving protection of US interests abroad.  However, the routinely adversarial approach was unnecessary, especially with allies.  More importantly, creating conflict instead of seeking solutions often defied instead of achieved the intended goals.   

The Divider-in-Chief:  Implications

Leadership styles vary, but the formula for success doesn’t.  The unified front of a cohesive and coordinated team best accomplishes goals and overcomes obstacles.  Sowing divisiveness among those upon whom success depends is counterproductive. 

Nations are essentially giant teams.  Everyone in a country should be given the chance to be an ally.  After all, they’re all in it together, literally! 

 It’s rare that the leader of a nation gets the opportunity to achieve true historic greatness.  The year 2020 gave this opportunity to Donald Trump.  He led the most powerful nation on Earth for three years before multiple major challenges fell in his lap:  racial unrest, various natural disasters, a global pandemic, and the economic outfall from the pandemic. 

 Sadly, Mr. Trump’s divisive leadership style was well-established, and it was the exact opposite of what the United States, and the world, needed.His conflict-based leadership was ultimately self-defeating, as represented by the left and right edges of this work when folded in half.

Key to Symbols

This list defines the symbols and images shown, including those that are less well known or unique to this work. 

key 2.jpg
key 4.jpg
key 1.jpg
key 3.jpg
key 5.jpg


Available upon request